Ronald A. Gabel

Medicare for All

The navigation bar tab titled Massachusetts opens Massachusetts Senate Bill S.744 193rd (2023-2024) Eldridge, which would provide free comprehensive healthcare insurance to all Massachusetts residents.

The navigation bar tab titled California opens California's Guaranteed Health Care for All Act No. 2200 (April 30, 2024), which would provide comprehensive universal single-payer health care coverage to California residents.

The navigation bar tab titled Vermont opens:

  • Vermont Bill H.202 Act 48 (2011) – An act "to create Green Mountain Care to contain costs and to provide, as a public good, comprehensive, affordable, high-quality, publicly financed health care coverage for all Vermont residents." The bill was largely conceptual and had no details regarding funding.
  • Vermont healthcare finance plan, which lays out two options for funding Green Mountain Care;
  • A news report explaining why Green Mountain Care was not implemented in 2014, despite the governor's strong support.